Interior Painting Service
Free estimate - Fully insured - Interior and exterior residential and commercial painting
Interior Painting Professional
Hy-line painting is offering interior painting!
A good paint job, as well as good colors, can brighten up a home and make everything seem lively. With our expert painters, we want to make your dream for your house interior a reality! Our craftsmen are excellent at suggesting paint types, products, materials, and application techniques, so that you will be 100% satisfied with the job.
It’s difficult to do your own interior painting because there’s so much information and research to be done!
At Hy-Line Painting, we are experts in it all! We know what kind of primer you need, the differences between oil and latex based paints, as well as proper surface preparation, application, cleanup, storage, and health and safety. You can rely on the experts!
You can rely on us to do the job right for you!
Some popular requests for interior projects are walls, trim, ceilings, floors, and furniture!
We can also do special projects to fit your needs! These can include Faux finishes: sponging, stenciling, Mural or Trompe L’oeil, as well as large wall paintings that may create illusions. Textures can include rolled, brushed or troweled finishes.